
  1. Open chrome and go type chrome://flags in the address bar.

  2. Search for “video decode”

  3. Change “Hardware-accelerated video decode” from “Disabled” to “Enabled”


Another way to enable these flag features is creating a config file called ~/.config/chrome-flags.conf for chrome or ~/.config/chromium-flags.conf for chromium.

For example here is mine:

~ $ cat ~/.config/chromium-flags.conf


  1. Open Firefox and type about:config in the address bar.

  2. Click “Accept the Risk and Continue” (don’t worry the risk here is very minimal)


The Chromium Development Documentation Project [1] / "The Chromium Authors" as per the open source development agreement, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons


These days browsers can store a lot of user data on your local computer if you let them. They also urge you to create an account and login so that your browsing data + tons of other data can be synced to a server.


Denis Zastanceanu, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Getting the current working directory

The environment variable $PWD and the command pwd are essentially synonymous. pwd has flags for dealing with symlinks.

Absolute (canonical) path

  • realpath - Turns relative paths into absolute paths
  • readlink -f - Originally meant to read symlinks. The -f flag means give “cannonical” path.

Elements of a directory

  • dirname - Strips the rightmost part from a given directory.
  • basename - Strips all base directories, leaving the last (rightmost) part of a path/file

NOTE: These commands do not check if a file/directory actually exists, they just manipulate path strings. Also, be careful when dealing with symbolic links and read the man page to get the desired behavior.

Getting the location of commands in Unix

Unix Shells

AFAIK, there are four ways to find out where a command is in your path.

Shell Builtins

  • command -v (POSIX shell way)

    • Shows the command that would be run by your shell (without actually running it)
  • type [-afptP] (bash builtin way)

    • Essentially the same function as command, but with more options

Both command and type can output the location of any executable, script, alias, or shell builtin in your $PATH and your shell environment.

Init Systems

The initial process that runs on a Unix/Linux system is responsible for forking the rest of the processes that are needed in order to “boot” the system. This is the core function of an init-system. It is effectively the first process where execution is handed off from the kernel to “userspace”, where processes get PIDs, cpu time and network/memory/disk access via calls to the kernel or kernel modules (drivers).

Find with find

The find command is a pretty basic utility, but it does have loads of options, which may be intimidating at first, but keep in mind it has about every criteria you would possibly need when searching for attributes of files or directories.

It is also the standard way to search files/directories by criteria like name, date created, size, permissions, user, and more.

The syntax and options may seem irregular compared to other commands, but I’ll show a few examples:


If you want to schedule a program to run on a Unix based OS, there are a handful of options, but the prominent ones found on Linux are cron and systemd timers.

Initially released in 1975, cron has stood the test of time when it comes to running a task on a schedule and it continues to be the standard solution for all kinds of users.

How does it work

There is a file called crontab which tells the cron daemon what to run and when to run it.


For non-commercial purposes documentation or on a website) that reference your connection with Microsoft PowerShell.

Things To Know About PowerShell

First and foremost, PowerShell is unlike traditional Unix/Linux shells such as bash or zsh. It is explicitly object oriented and the most of the benefits come from the fact that the majority of “builtin” commands (also known as cmdlets) and everything related to input/output comes in the form of objects which in turn have members, methods and inheritance. This way data is more “structured” compared to shells that deal with plain text.


Browsing the web involves lots of different protocols that most people probably don’t consider.

DNS is one of those protocols, so in this post, we’ll briefly go over the basics of DNS, why browsers are switching to DNS Over HTTPS (DoH), and how to get public DNS Records.

What is DNS

The core function of DNS (Domain Name System) is to associate Domain Names to IP Addresses and vice versa. The concept is deceivingly simple, and incredibly useful.


horizontal by Ben Davis from the Noun Project

Dear Reader: This post is aimed at beginners so if you are already familiar with how APIs work, you might not get much from my explanation, but you are welcome to skim.

One of the most common activities a Web Developer will do is fetch data from some API, parse it, and then do something with that data, like displaying it on the page.