Hello, it is me again. Here today talking about getting repos off of GitHub and taking them elsewhere.

Any one of the great alternatives that exist out there like {GitLab, Gitea, Gogs, Bitbucket}.

In my particular case - I am messing around with self-hosting a Gitea instance, so that will be the focus here.


First thing, we will need to get access to the GitHub cli tool gh.

and you are off to the races.

A Script

# Script to pull all Github Repos and rsync to destination


# make repo root
[ ! -d "$REPO_ROOT" ] && mkdir "$REPO_ROOT"

# clone all repos listed with gh cli
for repo in $(gh repo list -L 100 | awk '{print $1}'); do
  [ ! -d "$(basename $repo)" ] && gh repo clone $repo

# pull and rsync to destination (gitea in this case)
for d in "$REPO_ROOT/"*; do
  if [ -d "$d" ]; then
    echo "[git pull && rsync] repo: $d"
    pushd $d > /dev/null
    git pull && rsync -avz ".git/" "$DEST_ROOT/$(basename $d).git/"
    popd > /dev/null

This script will clone and pull all repos from GitHub into $REPO_ROOT and it will rsync the .git folder of these repos to $DEST_ROOT (this is the location that my Gitea docker instance is configured to look for repositories).

After this, you may need to adopt your repos in Gitea, which is a simple process of hitting a button in the UI. One thing to note is the process of importing repos from local filesystem may differ on other git hosts.

As always happy hosting and happy hacking!