Re-Learning How to Solve The Rubiks Cube
- 1 min read
It was another restless night with not even the slightest chance of sleep - I picked up the rubicks cube that I had a gotten a few years ago on christmas… or perhaps it was the cube that kept me up restlessly. It was time for me to learn the secrets of this plastic puzzle - onece again!
Initially I had learned the basic solving steps a few years ago (bottom->top), but had not comitted them to memory (at least not to the long-term kind)
Tips for doing basic solve
- The color of the center piece of a cube determines the color for that whole face and is foundational to solving.
- Similarly, edge pieces and corner pieces will require different algorithms to move around (hopefully to the right spot).
- Rotating and practicing the right/lefty (R U R’ U’ and L’ U’ L U) algorithm will be extremely beneficial when starting out. Get these motions down pat, becuase you will be doing them many many times
- Do not stop in the middle of doing a rotation/algorithm. Try to think of it as one atomic step.